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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloween Jokes, Skeleton Jokes, Halloween Skeleton Jokes

When does a skeleton laugh?
When something tickles his funny bone.

Why don't skeletons like parties?
They have no body to dance with.

Who won the skeleton beauty contest?
No body

What do skeletons say before they begin dining?
Bone appetite !

Why should a skeleton drink 10 glasses of milk a day?
It's good for the bones

Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
He didn't have the guts.

What is a young skeleton?
A skeleteen

What do skeletons like to eat?

Which skeleton is a famous comedian from yesteryear?
Red Skeleton

What do you call a stupid skeleton?
A numbskull

What is a skeleton's favorite insult?
The word 'Bonehead'

How does a skeleton get into his house?
With a skeleton key

What do skeletons have nightmares of?

What forms of major education do skeletons attend?
High Skull

What did the skeleton get for killing a ghost?
2000 Bone-us points